archive “2010/10”
how to log methods call in php ?
by Hamid Reza Fahimi Madjd @ Oct 6, 2010
as you know there are a lot of logging api that you can use theme to follow users activity, errors and etc. but i needed a logging api that log methods call and their passed variable through them.
so i wrote a snip code using debug_backtrace function and ReflectionMethod class to do that, i made 2 tables named activity_log to save called method information and activity_log_param to save parameteres name and its (serialized) value:
class Log { protected function log($result, $message = null) { $activitySql = 'insert into activity_log(caller, class, method, method_type, result, message, ip, agent) '. 'values (?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?)'; $pure = next(debug_backtrace(false)); // create a mysql query object and run the query using bind parameters and return generated autoincrement id $newOid = QueryBuilder::create($activitySql)->write(array( $pure['file'], $pure['class'], $pure['function'], $pure['type'], $result, $message, getIp(), getUserAgent() ),true); $paramsSql = 'insert into activity_log_param(fk_activity_log_oid, pname, pvalue, serialized) values '; $reflectionMethod = new ReflectionMethod($pure['class'] . '::' . $pure['function']); $pNames = $reflectionMethod->getParameters(); $pValues = $pure['args']; $tmp = ''; foreach($pNames as $idx=>$obj) { $pValue = null; $serialized = 'no'; if(!isset($pValues[$idx])) { $pValue = null; } else { if(is_object($pValues[$idx])) { $pValue = serialize($pValues[$idx]); $serialized = 'yes'; } elseif(is_array($pValues[$idx])) { $pValue = serialize($pValues[$idx]); $serialized = 'yes'; } else { $pValue = $pValues[$idx]; } } $tmp .= '(' . $newOid . ', '' . $obj->name . '', '' . $pValue . '', '' . $serialized . ''), '; } if(!empty($tmp)) { $paramsSql .= substr($tmp, 0, -2) . ';'; return QueryBuilder::create($paramsSql)->write(); } } }
because debug_backtrace() function doesn't return parametere name, i used ReflectionMethod class to get parameters name.
how to use it? inherit your class from Log class and call log() method to log called method information:
CLass MyClass extends Log { public function foo($oid, array $sampleArray, Object $sampleObject) { parent::log(true, 'done'); } }
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